Basic Purchasing Policy

CSR Policy

TOYO BEAUTY Basic Purchasing Policy

We procure raw materials and other materials with appropriate quality, cost, and delivery time in order to provide products and services demanded by our customers.
We also declare that we practice responsible procurement by establishing the following basic policy regarding purchasing activities in order to achieve mutual sustainable development, while striving to establish fair, just, free, and appropriate business relationships in our various procurement activities, in compliance with related laws, regulations, and social norms, and in respect for international codes of conduct.

  1. Establishment and Strengthening of Partnerships:
    We actively cultivate trust-based partnerships with our suppliers. By collaborating closely, we aim for joint product development, emphasizing quality, cost-effectiveness, delivery timelines, and exceptional service.
  2. Fair, Just, and Transparent Transactions:
    Our commitment to fair competition extends to all suppliers. We provide equal opportunities and conduct impartial evaluations, preventing any abuse of dominant positions or unfair practices. Our focus remains on transactions that uphold quality standards, and we reserve the right to review relationships with suppliers who fall short of our evaluation criteria.
  3. Compliance with Laws and Social Norms:
    In all our purchasing activities, we operate with integrity, adhering to applicable laws and societal norms. We proactively monitor regulatory changes and promptly adapt our practices to remain compliant.
  4. Environmental, Safety, and Human Rights Considerations:
    We prioritize sustainable raw materials in our procurement processes. We actively consider environmental impact and safety measures to prevent workplace accidents. Furthermore, we uphold human rights principles, avoiding any involvement in practices such as child labor.
  5. Proper Management of Confidential Information and Intellectual Property:
    We are committed to diligently managing and safeguarding suppliers’ confidential information and intellectual property during our purchasing activities. Unauthorized acquisition or use of such information is strictly prohibited.
  6. Elimination of Unethical Conduct:
    We maintain a high standard of ethical behavior. We refrain from engaging in entertainment, gift exchanges, or monetary transactions with business partners for the purpose of obtaining undue profits, including bribes. Additionally, we avoid actions that may raise suspicions and strictly prohibit any fraudulent activities.

December 14, 2023

Inquiry about Cosmetic ODM/OEM

Reception hours:Weekdays 9:00~12:00、13:00~17:30(JST)